OLHR website: https://olhr-ihm.vermontcatholic.org/ For quick access to our Facebook page, online donation link, bulletins, FB link: For Masses https://www.facebook.com/Our-Lady-of-the-Holy-Rosary-Catholic-Church- 1904744962931264/ FB users can just search for Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church ================================================================ =Diocese of Burlington: https://www.vermontcatholic.org/ For daily Masses, adorations, rosary etc. Many spiritual links! There is a UVM Catholic Center: https://www.facebook.com/UVMCatholic/ Rosary Mon-Thur at 12 PM Night Prayer daily at 9:45 PM ==================================================================Spiritual Counseling with an area Deacon: Email Deacon Josh at [email protected] ================================================================Resources for Catholics who have been away from the church https://www.catholicscomehome.org/ ================================================================TV Station Masses Burlington Diocese Mass - Sundays at 6 am - WCAX Channel 3 EWTN Global Catholic Network TV - Xfinity/Comcast Channel 36 - usually Catholic TV - Xfinity/Comcast Channel 166 ================================================================ECONOMIC / MENTAL HEALTH Vermont Catholic Charities Emergency Aid/Mental Health: 802-658-6111, https://www.vermontcatholic.org/ministries-programs/catholic-charities/emergency-aid-2/ ================================================================State of Vermont Financial Assistance: https://dcf.vermont.gov/esd/benefits State of Vermont Unemployment Richmond Food Shelf: http://www.richmondfoodshelfvt.org/ or call Meals on Wheels & other senior/disabled services: Call Age Well @ WIC Nutritional Support: https://www.healthvermont.gov/family/wic 3 Squares for Families & Seniors: https://dcf.vermont.gov/benefits/3SquaresVT Veterans Support: https://www.va.gov/coronavirus-veteran-frequently- asked-questions/ Other Confidential Assistance: Call 211 or https://vermont211.org/ ================================================================ 1-800-488-7777 |
We participate with open hearts, celebrating the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ with his presence in the Holy Eucharist, Reconcilation, Adoration, and the Sacraments. We rely on the grace and mercy of God through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through the tenets of our Catholic faith we reconcile, transform, evangelize, educate, and serve our community. With Mary, Saint Joseph, and the communion of the Saints we will pursue salvation by prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and the recitation of the Holy Rosary through Christ our Lord.
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am
Daily Mass
Wednesday: 8:30 am
Friday: 8:30 am
Friday: after 8:30 am Daily Mass
Saturday: 3:15pm - 3:45pm and by appointment
Six months preparation required. Do not set a date prior to meeting with the pastor. Pre-Cana required in the Diocese of Burlington.
By appointment. Call the rectory to make arrangements.
Recited 20 minutes before daily and week-end Masses.
Knights of Columbus Council #4684:
Meets first Wednesday of the month in Holy Rosary or Immaculate Heart of Mary parish hall at 7:30 PM. Click on Ministries for more Knights of Columbus details.